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Word Connect Android Game

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Product Details
Version Download: 12 October 2023

Demo: Live Preview
License: Unlimited websites
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$30.00 $5.00

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-Crossword game in English and Turkish developed using Libgdx.
-Features more than 10.000 levels in both English and Turkish.
-The dial starts from 3 letters and goes all the ways up to and including 8. The grid is between 3×3 to 12×10 (customizable).
-Other languages can be added. Comes with a level generator. Add your words and translation (and a optionally dictionary) then generate levels.
-Built-in 4 types of boosters that will engage your users: bomb, gold pack, ufo and monster.
-Features animations, combo, screen shaking and various effects.
-Bonus words make users earn coins…

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3 reviews for Word Connect Android Game

4.3 out of 5
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  1. GameSlim

    Can you please update this to November 25, 2021.. I wanna purchase it but I’m waiting for the update.

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  2. jasmin patel

    Can you please update this to 12 May 2022.. I wanna purchase it but I’m waiting for the update.

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  3. shahzad478 (verified owner)

    Please update to latest version, i will buy.

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